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Last updated: 114 days ago

NameNelia L. Sarte
TypeEx-Singapore maid
NationalityFilipino maid
Place of birth-
Date of birth1987-07-05
Height / weight157 / 45
Marital statusSingle
Children0 Children
EducationCollege/Degree (>=13 yrs)

Other Information

Able to handle pork?Yes
Able to eat pork?Yes
Able to handle beef?No
Able to care dog/cat?Yes
Able to do gardening work?Yes
Able to do simple sewing?Yes
Willing to wash car?Yes
Can you work off days with compensation?Yes

Employment History

20222024SingaporeFamily members: 3, age of kid is 7 yo, type of house: HDB.From 08/01/2022 to 27/01/2024


Areas Of WorkWillingnessExperienceRatingComments
Care of disabled-

She is willing to learn.

Care of elderly-

She is willing to learn.

Care of infants/children2

She took care of a 7 yo child.


She can cook Filipino food and is willing to learn to cook new dishes.

General housework2

She can do general housework such as cleaning, washing, laundry, ironing, vacuuming and mopping, cooking and etc.

Language Skill: English2

She can speaks English


Nelia is an ex-sg Filipino helper. She is 37, a Christian and single. She has 2 years of experience working as a domestic helper in Singapore. She worked in a HDB flat for a Filipino family of 3 member, sir, mdm and a 7 yo child. She can cook Filipino food and do general housework. Work Experience: Singapore, Filipino 01/08/2022 to 27/01/2024 3 family members, sir, mdm, a 7 yo child living in a HDB flat. Can video call her for an interview. For more details, please email us @ [email protected] / or contact us @ 63223720 / 98569098 /81920221 Azita Bte Baba - R1545853


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