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Last updated: 114 days ago

NameJolina V. Montano
TypeNew maid
NationalityFilipino maid
Place of birth-
Date of birth2000-01-23
Siblings4 (3)
Height / weight152 / 59
Marital statusSingle
Children0 Children
EducationCollege/Degree (>=13 yrs)

Other Information

Able to handle pork?Yes
Able to eat pork?Yes
Able to handle beef?No
Able to care dog/cat?Yes
Able to do gardening work?Yes
Able to do simple sewing?Yes
Willing to wash car?Yes
Can you work off days with compensation?Yes

Employment History

20202023PhilippinesFamily with 3 kids age of 11, 7 and 2 staying in Fla house with 3 rooms and 2 toilets.Finished contract- February 2020 to September 2023


Areas Of WorkWillingnessExperienceRatingComments
Care of disabled-

She is willing to learn.

Care of elderly-

She is willing to learn.

Care of infants/children3

She took care of 3 young children ages 11, 7 & 2.


She can cook Filipino and Arabic food and she is willing to learn to cook new dishes.

General housework3

She can do all general housework.

Language Skill: English & Tagalog3

She can speak English and Tagalog.


Jolina is an ex-Middle East Filipino helper. She is 24 years old, a Catholic and a single. She has 3.7 years of working experience in the Philippines. She took care of 3 young children ages 11, 7 & 2. They live in a flat house. She can cook Filipino food and is willing to learn to cook new dishes. Working Experience: Philippines, Filipino family 2020 to 2023 Can video call her for an interview. For more details, please email us @ [email protected] / or contact us @ 63223720 / 98569098 /81920221 Azita Bte Baba - R1545853


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